Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Sometimes We Feel Like A Weed...

Trust Your Inner Compass...

I believe we all have an inner compass.  You may refer to it as your gut feeling, your heart song, your intuition, that still small voice you hear, etc.  Regardless of what you call it, it resides inside each one of us and can be our compass...our guide on this journey called life.

If you are like me, trusting your inner compass doesn't come easily.  The process of trusting your inner compass may feel scary, confusing, exhilarating, anxiety provoking, exciting, uneasy, provoke curiosity and so much more.

No matter what feelings it triggers for you, it's a process.  It's not a skill you learn overnight nor does it come naturally.  The best part of having this inner compass is that it never leaves you.  Your compass is always there to guide you, direct you and lead you wherever life may take you.  I created this space to share my thoughts, feelings and art as I journey on learning to trust my inner compass.

My hope is that this space will make you feel less alone as you learn to trust your own inner compass.  I'd love for you to join me on this journey.

Be well,